Wednesday, February 18, 2009


It's official! I'm official. My new website is up and going! I just have to work on pricing. I think that's the hardest part of photography for me. I have guilt issues! So I'm working on that today and hopefully tomorrow I'll get my business cards.

The weather has been wonderful for the last couple of weeks! I was able to go out and uncover the ground where we're going to put the veggie garden and yesterday I pulled a dead tree out of the ground where we're going to put the kids playset. I can't wait until I'm able to go out and start planting but first we need to till the ground and we can't do that until the dirt dries up a bit. I'll post pictures when we start doing the work on it. I'm going to keep a photo journal of it.

And for some sad news...there is a family in the ward that we've started becoming really good friends with and now have heard that they're moving. It's really hard for us to make good friends so this has hit us pretty hard. We love the Hale family so much and love their ideas. They have accepted us for who we are and around here it's hard to find people that are true and don't stab you in the back. I'm excited for them because they're doing what they want to do but I'm going to miss them greatly because most likely we'll never see them again. They are giving us their piano though so we'll have something to remind us of them. Not to mention the pictures...:-)

Anyway, I'll have more on all of the above in the future. Here's the web address if you're

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